Overview of the premises of the „anti-crisis shield” – employment issues
The President has already signed the package of laws comprising the so-called „Anti-Crisis Shield”. Numerous amendments to the special-purpose Act of March 2, 2020 on special measures for the prevention, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them („the Act”), which is the core of the government’s Shield, will become effective as well.
The introduced amendment to the Act contains numerous and significant changes concerning labor law, which in particular introduce further improvements from the employers’ perspective. In its version of March 2, 2020, the Act already introduced, i. a., remote work and an additional carer’s allowance. According to the amendment, employers will be provided with further opportunities to respond to the crisis, which has hit the labor market hard and will continue to affect it for many months.
The main premises of the amendment to the Act with respect to employment-related issues include e.g.:
- Wage reduction
- Reduction in working time and wage subsidy
- Idle-time benefit for entrepreneurs
- Deferral of payment of zus contributions
- Extension of the validity period of work permits for foreigners
All of the specific changes and solutions regarding employee issues are discussed in detail on the blog – HERE